03 Mar 2022 | tags: Bash
Rationale TL;DR
We want to be more interactive when running a long time running task in Bash
The solution
Lets use the \r escape character that resets the current line.
frames="/ | \\ -"
while true;
for frame in $frames; do
printf "\r $frame loading..."
sleep 0.3
That would reset the current line. During the for loop we simply change the character from the frames array, giving the impression of activity. That is more user friendly than using a static line.
12 Sep 2021 | tags: Kubernetes
Rationale TL;DR
Let’s suppose we have a PV and we need to attach it to a new PVC. Let’s suppose the PVC was claimed by a POD which does not exist anymore.
The solution
In this situation, the PV should be in the Released state:
pvc-ee8e4b8e-28d6-40dd-bfe8-a5affb6bc9d9 10Gi RWO Retain Released my-namespace/grafana kops-ssd-1-17 352d
Of course, the Reclaim policy should be Retained otherwise there wouldn’t be the PV at all :)
We need to edit the PV and remove the claimRef field. That would make the volume Available:
pvc-ee8e4b8e-28d6-40dd-bfe8-a5affb6bc9d9 10Gi RWO Retain Available kops-ssd-1-17 352d
The next thing we need to do is create a yaml file file with the following contents (your milleage may vary, the relevant thing is to use the right PV in the claim):
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: grafana
namespace: my-namespace
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
volumeName: pvc-ee8e4b8e-28d6-40dd-bfe8-a5affb6bc9d9
That should create a claim and attach it to the old PV:
# kubectl get pvc
grafana Bound pvc-ee8e4b8e-28d6-40dd-bfe8-a5affb6bc9d9 10Gi RWO kops-ssd-1-17 10m
27 Jul 2021 | tags: MySQL
Rationale TL;DR
We’re using the CLI MySQL monitor and long lines are giving us a hard time
The solution
One solution is to use a pager like less. For example:
MariaDB [MyDatabase]> pager less -SFX
Another option I do prefer is to use pspq. Set it as your default pager with:
pager pspg -s 14 -X --force-uniborder --quit-if-one-screen
Let’s check its output:
Don’t forget to install pspq before using it. Your milleage may vary, depending on the distro…