Configure kubectl with a cluster
04 Feb 2020 | tags: KubernetesRationale TL;DR
You have created a cluster with kops (or maybe bare-metal) and you want to use those same credentials elsewhere (like with a new laptop, in your CI/CD…).
You need the API url, a user and a password. Because we assumed kops (or bare metal) deploys, the user we have is probably an admin user. Doesn’t matter right now.
First, we need to configure the credentials. We need to name those credentials so we can refer to them afterwards:
kubectl config set-credentials kubernetes_user/ --username=kubernetes_user --password=kubernetes_password
Where kubernetes_user/
is the name we decided to give to those credentials. This is totally arbitrary name.
Moving on, we need to set up a cluster. Like we did before:
kubectl config set-cluster kubernetes_cluster/ --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true --server=
We named that cluster
Finally, we need to link those credentials with the cluster:
kubectl config set-context default/ --user=kubernetes_user/ --namespace=default --cluster=kubernetes_cluster/
We’re naming our context default/
, using the user and clusters we declared before.